
The Complete Security Stack

For Your Web3 Project

Welcome to our Complete Security Stack - this article series aims to provide you with the essential knowledge and tools to strengthen your project's defenses against possible threats, securing its long-term success in the dynamic world of web3.

Targeted at developers and project owners, it offers a thorough exploration of security aspects throughout the lifecycle of a web3 project.

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A single overlooked bug, no matter how small, can have monumental consequences, potentially wiping out users' hard-earned assets - from life savings and mortgages to college funds and emergency reserves. Such a security breach can irreversibly harm your project, making recovery from such profound economic and reputational losses nearly impossible. Additionally, these security issues could negatively affect the entire web3 industry. This might result in stricter regulations and reduce people's trust and willingness to use this new technology.

“Web3 is all about decentralization and trustlessness. Security is not just a feature; it's the foundation of this new internet. We must prioritize security to ensure the success of Web3.”

-— Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum Co-Founder

Each article of the series is centered around a distinct security layer. A preliminary overview is provided for each one, complete with an external link to the full article at the end of each summary for further reading

Layer 1: Web3 Company Management

Behind any correct and bug-free technical implementation hovers the harsh shadow of human failure. In order to perform correctly many protocols need an access control implementation. Although seen as a defensive resource, this kind of feature can more often than not turn itself into a vulnerability.

Relaying on Multisignature wallets, that in some ways give us the illusion of mitigating the single point of failure vulnerability, is surely not enough as Ronin bridge and Harmony Bridge hacks could testify. A precise and rigorous ratio should orient our behaviour even when using tools whose reliability we take for granted.

The main focus of this first article is to point out the importance not only of concept such as the "Principle of Least Privilege" but also give light to the immense contribution to safety that security education within a project team could bring. Read the full article to uncover how these critical insights can improve your project's security posture against the multifaceted threats in the web3 environment.

Layer 2: Smart Contracts Development Best Practices

After having walked trough what we, as failable entities, could do wrong it's now time to delve into what, from a technical standpoint, could go wrong in our implementations. From this perspective, when we start writing our code we have two choices: "reinventing the wheel from scratch" or, as Newton would say, "standing on the shoulders of giants".

Reentrancy attacks, denials of service, oracle manipulations are some of the many exploits the web3 space has been testifying since its commencement, nonetheless they are still vivid and present threats.

The aim of the layer 2 article is to lead developers up to the giants' shoulders and provide them with a rich toolbox of best practises forged by the experience and errors of our predecessors in the space. Check-Effect-Interaction pattern, EIPs, "pull" over "push" pattern are just the tip of a deep and various defensive arsenal a developer will posses after going through this reading.  Read more to discover how these best practices can transform your approach to smart contract development.

Layer 3: Testing and Code Review

Now it's time for you to confess the truth, maybe you are a web2 developer who has transitioned to web3, or maybe in your previous web2 job you've never been required to test your code. Either this is your case or not, welcome to web3 development where code needs to be secured and tested even before it actually works.

As you already know by now if you read the previous articles, security in web3 is the root of every successful project. Having taken this into account helps us realise why this space provides us with such an enormous plethora of tools to enforce our code basis.

Navigating through fuzz tests, understanding the nuances of unit and integration testing, and being able to comprehend and master powerful instruments such as MythX or Slither could be overwhelming. Don't worry, with the layer 3 article we got you covered as we'll guide you step by step to the most crucial patterns and pitfalls of the testing stage, letting you discover the power and importance of this phase while crafting your project.

Keep reading to reveal how expertise in these areas can be your first line of defense against vulnerabilities, even before external auditors review your work.

Layer 4: Smart Contract Audits

When it comes to smart contract audits, there's often a misconception that they are the ultimate safeguard, a final stamp of approval that guarantees security. Audits are indeed essential and they do require a significant investment both in terms of time and finances, however, it's important to recognize that a smart contract audit is not an all-encompassing security solution.

The true value of an audit lies in the collaborative process between the development team and the auditors. This isn't just a routine step; it's a critical phase where the project undergoes rigorous scrutiny, and where both parties engage actively to identify and address vulnerabilities. In this Layer 4 article, we dive deeper into the audit process.

The article explores how a proactive approach from developers can amplify the benefits of an audit. You'll learn that preparing for an audit isn't just about fixing bugs; it's about understanding the intricacies of your code and being ready to work alongside auditors to enhance your project's security framework. The goal of this article is to provide you with comprehensive insights on how to approach audits strategically. It covers best practices, preparation tips, and ways to leverage audit findings for continuous improvement.

Keep reading to gain a fuller understanding of the audit process, and how it serves as more than just a security check, but as an integral part of your project's development and success.

Layer 5: Bug Bounties

Bug bounties are emerging as a win-win proposition in the blockchain world, offering a critical layer of security beyond traditional audits. This article dives into the mechanics and the growing importance of bug bounty programs in Web3, presenting them as a proactive defense mechanism that taps into the expertise of white-hat hackers. Unlike one-time audits, these continuous programs incentivise cybersecurity experts to identify and report vulnerabilities, with rewards often linked to the severity of the bugs found.

The piece examines the shift from the reactive "10% rule" to more structured, preventive bug bounty approaches, highlighting the advantages for projects including enhanced security, marketing benefits, and cost-effectiveness compared to potential exploit damages. For ethical hackers, bug bounties not only offer financial incentives but also career growth opportunities and recognition in the community. The article guides projects in selecting the right bug bounty platform, emphasizing factors like pricing models, the diversity of the researcher community, and the efficiency of triage teams. It underscores the ethical responsibility of projects to fairly compensate researchers, warning against practices that undermine the integrity of the program.

Looking ahead, the article notes the integration of Zero-Knowledge Proof technology in bug bounties, illustrating advancements like Tetration Lab's ZTFProject and 0xHacked.

These developments mark a significant leap in ensuring fair compensation and secure handling of vulnerabilities. Read more to discover how bug bounties are becoming an essential element of security planning in blockchain projects, and how they represent a significant step towards a safer decentralized web.

Layer 6: Smart Contract Monitoring and Exploit Detection

The recent marketing narrative for commercial monitoring products has centered around their ability to front-run exploit transactions for protocol protection. This article critically examines these assertions, illustrating that savvy attackers are capable of evading these defense mechanisms by relying on private mempools like Bloxroute and

The piece delves into the dynamics of these monitoring tools, initially developed for compliance and anti-money laundering purposes, and their extension into security monitoring. Despite their advanced techniques for tracking unusual transaction patterns, the article reveals a critical flaw: the inability to effectively prevent attacks due to the use of private mempools by experienced hackers. These private networks, available on major chains like Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC, enable attackers to bypass traditional monitoring defenses. The piece highlights instances where less experienced hackers sent their exploit transactions to public mempools and got front-runned, but notes the prohibitive costs of such operation due to competition among maximal extractable value (MEV) bots.

The article concludes by emphasising the need for more integrated solutions, suggesting that preventive measures should be embedded within contract logic itself - spoiler: Circuit Breakers, next chapter. This approach would eliminate reliance on off-chain interventions and potentially offer a more streamlined and effective defense against blockchain exploits.  Read more to understand the complex challenges of smart contract monitoring and the ongoing search for robust solutions in the face of evolving blockchain threats.

Layer 7: Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers, currently a hot topic in blockchain security, emerge as a vital solution to the limitations of monitoring tools that fail to reliably intercept exploit transactions. This article explores the implementation and impact of circuit breakers in the blockchain space, drawing parallels to their roles in electrical systems and financial markets. These mechanisms, like EIP7265's rate limiter and timelock modules, are designed to temporarily halt operations under suspicious conditions, thereby preventing significant fund losses.

While effective in mitigating immediate damage, circuit breakers also present challenges, such as the need for extensive monitoring, potential user experience disruption, and increased transaction fees. The article highlights the nuanced application of these tools, particularly in DeFi protocols and bridges, and discusses the trade-offs involved, including heightened centralization and degraded composability. It also delves into SphereX Protect's unique approach, using machine learning to analyze transaction signatures for proactive defense

This comprehensive examination reveals both the strengths and limitations of circuit breakers, suggesting a future evolution in their technologies and applications.  Read more to discover how circuit breakers are reshaping the landscape of blockchain security, offering new strategies for safeguarding digital assets.


In conclusion, this series of articles is a crucial resource for enhancing the security of your web3 project at every stage. The articles explore different security measures that are essential for protecting your project against potential threats, ensuring its long-term success in the ever-evolving web3 space.

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